City of Albany
Home MenuCity Manager's Office
Message from the City Manager
Welcome to the City of Albany's website! The City's implementation of a new strategic plan and a synergy throughout the organization has positioned the City of Albany to do great things in the upcoming years. It is truly an exciting time to be a part of a city where "we got you covered."
As the City Manager, I am responsible for leading and directing the City of Albany Government and Albany Utilities to ensure optimal performance and fiscal responsibility. I am appointed by the City Commission to run the day to day operations of the City and function as the Chief Executive Officer. The annual budget of the City is $289.8 million, and I have 1,174 full-time employees. City departments include: Albany Police; Fire, Emergency Dispatch, Emergency Management; Public Works; 311; Treasury; Code Enforcement; Parks & Recreation; Community & Economic Development; Finance; Central Services; Planning; Fleet Management; Human Resources; Transportation; Facility Management; Technology & Communication; Downtown Development Authority; Water; Gas; Light; Telecom; Storm water; Sewer & Solid Waste and Municipal Court. I communicate and collaborate with the Board of City Commissioners regarding programs and service delivery and develop and articulate policy recommendations for their approval. I oversee, develop and manage the budget including grant funding. I encourage collaboration with the Economic Development Commission, the Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce to promote the City of Albany. I provide direction for the redevelopment of downtown Albany including negotiating and developing public/private partnerships. I coordinate with the City Attorney to ensure that the provisions of the City Charter are appropriately followed and am responsible for the oversight of contracts with external agencies such as Riverquarium; Chehaw Park; Convention & Visitors Bureau; Civil Rights Institute. I represent the City at community events and make presentations to civic groups to foster awareness and community support.
The City of Albany is a collaborative regional leader delivering exceptional services and enhancing quality of life, while fostering an atmosphere where citizens and businesses can thrive. As City Manager, I am part of a network of leaders in Albany. The City serves 72,000 residents and a daytime population that increases by approximately 30,000. Not only do we provide typical local government services such as Police, Fire, Parks, Public Works, etc., we also provide Light, Water, Natural Gas, Sewer, Telecom and Solid Waste services.
Albany is the hub of southwest Georgia. When Albany is successful and experiences growth, the region participates in our success since many who live in surrounding counties come to Albany to work, seek medical attention, shop, stay and play. I believe that many roads lead to economic development. While the government does not create jobs, we create the environment for industry and business to be successful. In my role, it is imperative that we provide a safe, sustainable and business-friendly community and effective and excellent service to our residents, industries, and visitors.
Email the City Manager’s Office
City Manager’s Office
401 Pine Avenue
Albany, GA 31701
(229) 431-3234